Imagine a world in which we live in alignment to love, harmony and positive energy. Your first step is to create a Luminal Space within yourself.



A holistic form of energy healing therapy that works on your seven energy centers.



A set of techniques that encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention.



An exercise and healing technique that involves meditation, breathing and movement.

Modern Life Can Get A Little Crazy 

You’ve been feeling overwhelmed, stressed, uncertain, and burnt out lately, and you’re not alone. With everything that’s been going on in the world, you might feel like all you need is a space where you can have a break, breath, and just take a little bit of time to ground yourself again. That’s where Luminal Space comes in.

Focusing on YOU

Our entire ethos is built on the questions you’ve been trying to answer for so long. Who are you? Where are you in your life? What do you want? Luminal Space is driven by Jing Energy (power), Qi Energy (purpose), and Shen Energy (passion), and we want to guide you to the answers you need to achieve inner peace.

Find Peace in Uncertainty 

Luminal Space is here to empower you with the things you need to tap into your inner peace and manage stress and anxiety in a mindful way. We offer you personal, heartfelt classes aimed at teaching you more about aligning your mind, body, and spirit to help you realize your full, fearless potential through self-actualization. 


Heartfelt Classes

Come alone or join a group of virtual or physical classes aimed at self-actualization on the deepest level. By tapping into the ancient arts of Reiki, Qigong, and meditation, we’ll give you the tools and skills you need to achieve inner peace in even the most stressful or challenging times. Our classes are not bound to any religion, and give you a versatile and personal experience like no other. 

Our 1:1 classes are private, welcoming, and a safe space for you to explore the deeper parts of your self-actualization, while our group classes give you a supportive way to get to share, grow and learn together.


Corporate or Private Events and Demonstrations

Inner peace isn’t just important for your own self-actualization. It’s invaluable for your team as a whole. When each person in your team or company can achieve the mindfulness and positivity they need to face each day with determination, there will be no limit to what you can achieve in your industry. Each demonstration and presentation is filled with useful and powerful information and resources tailored just for you.

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Invaluable Online Content

We’ve created exceptional online content that you can use to start your journey towards personal development from anywhere in the world. From informative and interesting blog posts to engaging videos, and everything in-between, our online content gives you everything you need to explore new ways to achieve inner peace and manage stress or anxiety.